If you're looking for TV shows similar to Bad Vegan Fame Fraud Fugitives on Netflix, look no further. Finding a show with a similar taste can be tough job, but we have compiled you a comprehensive list of best similar documentary shows on this page. Using the similars list below, you can easily find your next binge, your next favorite series to watch after Bad Vegan Fame Fraud Fugitives.

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About Bad Vegan Fame Fraud Fugitives

After marrying a mysterious man who claimed he could make her dog immortal, a celebrated vegan restaurateur finds her life veering off the rails.

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Shows Like Bad Vegan Fame Fraud Fugitives

If you liked Bad Vegan Fame Fraud Fugitives, you will also enjoy watching the following series!

From Blumhouse Television, the new five-part documentary series Worst Roommate Ever highlights four harrowing tales of seemingly harmless roommates turning into real-life nightmares for their unsuspecting victims when their malevolent and sometimes violent intentions are revealed. These unsettling true stories chronicle the masked menace that can be lurking right down the hall.

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This chilling series explores the story of Robert Freegard, who, over the course of two decades, controlled, conned and fleeced at least seven women and one man out of almost one million pounds, with his devious charm.

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Actress and activist Evan Rachel Wood takes her experience as a survivor of domestic violence to pursue justice, heal generational trauma, and reclaim her story in a culture that instinctively blames women. The film intimately charts her journey as she moves toward naming her infamous abuser for the first time.

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Shows By Genre: Documentary

By using a combination of 3D modeling and CGI to create X-ray visualizations of both the fossils and the dinosaurs, DINO HUNTERS brings dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures back to life. Using this cutting-edge technology allows images to reveal what these dinosaurs looked like, how they moved, and other important characteristics of these prehistoric giants.

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The long-running culinary hit returns with a season that's all about the pizza pie. From Portland to Phoenix, Italy to Japan, go inside the kitchens of chefs whose creativity elevates this ordinary dish to an art form via their unique flavors, inspiring backgrounds, and passion for creating the perfect slice.

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As we descend beneath our modern day cities, we are met with ancient and hidden secrets. Journey with us back through history and rediscover cities of the underworld.

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Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry join forces to guide honest discussions about mental health.

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Documentary series about hate crime in the US told through murders with elements of love and passion as well as prejudice. Each film tells the story of one unfolding case.

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It showcases several cases and scenarios that end in murder, from a husband who broadcasts his intent to kill his wife on YouTube to a woman driven to commit murder for a life insurance payout.

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New seven-part docuseries spotlights internationally recognized World Surf League elite champions, Kelly Slater, Stephanie Gilmore, Gabriel Medina, Tyler Wright, Italo Ferreira, and Tatiana Weston-Webb

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Like all babies, young animals can have a first year filled with joy, love and play. To survive, however, they must also overcome threats and challenges, from rivals, from the elements, and predators. To tell the stories of these magical months, renowned wildlife cinematographers travel the globe to follow the lives of six iconic baby animals as they grow and develop. This is the story of what it takes to survive in the wild. This is their first year on earth.

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This isn’t the sex education you may have had to sit through in school. In five 20-minute episodes, we dig into why a third of women worldwide describe childbirth as traumatic, why we still don’t have male birth control, and why even your weirdest sexual fantasies are way more predictable than you think.

We chose five topics — sexual fantasies, attraction, birth control, fertility, and childbirth — where new research has raised new questions and offered up surprising new answers. Some of it’s uncomfortable, or even taboo, but they’re all topics that affect our health and well-being throughout our lives in more ways than we realize.

There’s a lot more to the birds and the bees than we can cover in a limited series. But we hope these five stories provide fresh insights and an open dialogue about a part of the human experience that’s too often shrouded in mystery, misinformation, and euphemism.

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