If you're looking for TV shows similar to Hamster & Gretel on Disney+, look no further. Finding a show with a similar taste can be tough job, but we have compiled you a comprehensive list of best similar action shows on this page. Using the similars list below, you can easily find your next binge, your next favorite series to watch after Hamster & Gretel.

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About Hamster & Gretel

Follows Gretel and her pet Hamster after receiving new abilities. Now, protective older brother Kevin must figure out how to work with both Gretel and her pet to protect their city from mysterious dangers.

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Shows Like Hamster & Gretel

If you liked Hamster & Gretel, you will also enjoy watching the following series!

“Milo Murphy’s Law” is an animated comedy-adventure series that follows 13-year-old Milo Murphy, the great-great-great-great grandson of the Murphy’s Law namesake. Milo is the personification of Murphy’s Law, where anything that can go wrong will go wrong; but he is prepared for every possibility, armed with knowledge, a backpack full of supplies and his fearless friends, Melissa Chase and Zack Underwood.

A B-plot follows Time Travelers, and best friends, Balthazar Cavendish and Vinnie Dakota. They were sent to the present to protect Pistachio's from becoming extinct by their boss Mr. Block, head of B.O.T.T. (Bureau of Time Travel). Cavendish and Dakota try there best to protect the green nuts, but after the two befriend Milo the plot's collide as Milo, Melissa, Zack, Cavendish, and Dakota try to prevent major disasters. Whether it's sentient blobs, mutant pistachio monsters, octopus aliens, or making Dr. Doofenshmirtz a part of their team; they will always face the problem together.

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Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur," the highly anticipated animated series following 13-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette (aka Moon Girl) and her 10-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur, as they protect New York City's Lower East Side from danger.

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